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Guardian Angel Hoops - GoldGuardian Angel Hoops - Gold
Guardian Angel Hoops - Gold Sale price$119.00 NZD
Guardian Angel Hoops - SilverGuardian Angel Hoops - Silver
Guardian Angel Hoops - Silver Sale price$109.00 NZD
Sold outConnected Hoops - GoldConnected Hoops - Gold
Connected Hoops - Gold Sale price$99.00 NZD
Connected Hoops - SilverConnected Hoops - Silver
Connected Hoops - Silver Sale price$89.00 NZD
Soar Hoops - GoldSoar Hoops - Gold
Soar Hoops - Gold Sale price$119.00 NZD
Sold outblue crystal gemstone huge hoop earrings in goldblue crystal gemstone huge hoop earrings in gold
Protection Intention Hoops - Gold Sale price$109.00 NZD
Soar Hoops - SilverSoar Hoops - Silver
Soar Hoops - Silver Sale price$109.00 NZD
Sold outFantail Messenger Hoops - GoldFantail Messenger Hoops - Gold
Fantail Messenger Hoops - Gold Sale price$119.00 NZD
Sold outFantail Messenger Hoops - SilverFantail Messenger Hoops - Silver
Fantail Messenger Hoops - Silver Sale price$109.00 NZD
Best SellerGold Sleeper Hoop Earrings on cream backgroundGold Sleeper Hoop Earrings on ear
Inner Light Hoops - Gold Sale price$89.00 NZD
Silver Sleeper Hoop Earrings on cream backgroundSilver Sleeper Hoop Earrings on ear
Inner Calm Hoops - GoldInner Calm Hoops - Gold
Inner Calm Hoops - Gold Sale price$89.00 NZD
Inner Calm Hoops - SilverInner Calm Hoops - Silver
Inner Calm Hoops - Silver Sale price$79.00 NZD
Inner Wisdom Hoops - GoldInner Wisdom Hoops - Gold
Inner Wisdom Hoops - Gold Sale price$89.00 NZD
Renew Hoops - GoldRenew Hoops - Gold
Renew Hoops - Gold Sale price$89.00 NZD
Renew Hoops - SilverRenew Hoops - Silver
Renew Hoops - Silver Sale price$79.00 NZD
Sold outyellow citrine abundance crystal hoop earrings in goldyellow citrine abundance crystal hoop earrings in gold
Abundance Intention Hoops - Gold Sale price$109.00 NZD
Sold outyellow citrine abundance crystal hoop earringsyellow citrine abundance crystal hoop earrings
Balance Intention Hoops - GoldBalance Intention Hoops - Gold
Balance Intention Hoops - Gold Sale price$109.00 NZD
Sold outBalance Intention Hoops - SilverBalance Intention Hoops - Silver
Sold outblue crystal gemstone huge hoop earrings in goldblue crystal gemstone huge hoop earrings in gold
Intuition Intention Hoops - GoldIntuition Intention Hoops - Gold
Intuition Intention Hoops - Gold Sale price$109.00 NZD
Sold outIntuition Intention Hoops - SilverIntuition Intention Hoops - Silver
Gold Birthstone Hoops - January/GarnetGold Birthstone Hoops - January/Garnet
Gold Birthstone Hoops - February/AmethystGold Birthstone Hoops - February/Amethyst
Gold Birthstone Hoops - March/AquamarineGold Birthstone Hoops - March/Aquamarine
Gold Birthstone Hoops - April/CrystalGold Birthstone Hoops - April/Crystal
Gold Birthstone Hoops - May/EmeraldGold Birthstone Hoops - May/Emerald
Gold Birthstone Hoops - June/PearlGold Birthstone Hoops - June/Pearl
Gold Birthstone Hoops - July/RubyGold Birthstone Hoops - July/Ruby
Gold Birthstone Hoops - August/PeridotGold Birthstone Hoops - August/Peridot
Gold Birthstone Hoops - September/SapphireGold Birthstone Hoops - September/Sapphire
Gold Birthstone Hoops - October/OpalGold Birthstone Hoops - October/Opal
Gold Birthstone Hoops - November/CitrineGold Birthstone Hoops - November/Citrine
Gold Birthstone Hoops - December/TurquoiseGold Birthstone Hoops - December/Turquoise
Silver Birthstone Hoops - January/GarnetSilver Birthstone Hoops - January/Garnet
Silver Birthstone Hoops - February/AmethystSilver Birthstone Hoops - February/Amethyst
Silver Birthstone Hoops - March/AquamarineSilver Birthstone Hoops - March/Aquamarine
Silver Birthstone Hoops - April/CrystalSilver Birthstone Hoops - April/Crystal
Silver Birthstone Hoops - May/EmeraldSilver Birthstone Hoops - May/Emerald
Silver Birthstone Hoops - June/PearlSilver Birthstone Hoops - June/Pearl
Silver Birthstone Hoops - July/RubySilver Birthstone Hoops - July/Ruby
Silver Birthstone Hoops - August/PeridotSilver Birthstone Hoops - August/Peridot
Silver Birthstone Hoops - September/SapphireSilver Birthstone Hoops - September/Sapphire
Silver Birthstone Hoops - October/OpalSilver Birthstone Hoops - October/Opal
Silver Birthstone Hoops - November/CitrineSilver Birthstone Hoops - November/Citrine
Silver Birthstone Hoops - December/TurquoiseSilver Birthstone Hoops - December/Turquoise
Lotus Hoops - GoldLotus Hoops - Gold
Lotus Hoops - Gold Sale price$119.00 NZD

Hoop Earrings

Up your ear game with Cloud Nine Jewellery's range of beautiful hoop earrings. Choose from meaningful birthstone hoops, crystal intention hoops to everyday silver and gold styles.